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튜토리얼&예제 Strand7 콘크리트 거푸집 구조물 열전달 해석

페이지 정보

작성자 씨앤지소프텍
댓글 0건 조회 7,534회 작성일 21-02-01 15:58


Bricks and Heat – Pre-cast Concrete Test Block 


Upon successful completion of this lesson you will be able to:

1. Build a simple brick model.

2. Use the Transient Heat solver.

3. Enter information into a Factor vs Time table.

4. Assign thermal properties and attributes to elements.

5. Use the Heat Source attribute.

6. Use the cutting plane for inspecting results

7. Understand how to run a static analysis using the results of the transient heat solution.

8. Understand how to run a transient dynamic analysis using the results of the transient heat solution

as the thermal load.


In this model the Transient Heat solver is used to determine the temperature distribution over time,

due to internal heat generated by the concrete curing reactions.

The model is a test block for a floating concrete platform. It will be built from brick elements using

manual meshing tools in Strand7.


The model is a square concrete block with a circular

cavity in the centre. The block has formwork around

the outside and also as lining within the cavity.

The dimensions of the model are:

• Block is 2 m square and 1 m high.

• The hole has a diameter of 1.5 m and a depth of 0.75 m.

• All of the timber formwork is 50 mm thick.

The material properties are:

• Concrete - Strength Grade 32 MPa.

• Formwork - Timber (Green) Pine Maritime.




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