ACS SASSI V4 Demo#4 오류 수정 > 공지 및 뉴스

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ACS SASSI V4 Demo#4 오류 수정

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댓글 0건 조회 2,708회 작성일 21-03-11 14:11


ACS SASSI V4 Demo#4 오류 수정 입니다.

We revised the Demo4 files and we fixed the batch run as needed. We uploaded the Demo4 revised files.

 Just click on the demo4.bat file and you will get all results correctly. Before, the batch was not correct for post-processing which was outside of Demo4 intentions. Sorry about the confusion.


Please note that Demo 4 description is for an example on how to do SSI iterations for nonlinear soil, not on post-processing. 

Unfortunately, one of our engineers added incorrectly the post-processing part.

The problem, is that you can’t change .str input to STRESS during iterations. You need to iterations until you are satisfied with results, and then, separately run STRESS or MOTION for the last iteration soil properties. However, if the post-processing uses other input to STRESS, it is needed to clean the previous files from iterative analysis. This means delete the .liq and .pin files that are related to the inputs for the nonlinear iterative runs before you do final iteration. The user manual states that  “For the nonlinear soil SSI analysis, in addition to the regular SSI module input files, two additional input text files are needed. These are the files with extensions .liq and .pin (see HOUSE input definition for nonlinear SSI analysis option). The .liq extension file is generated by HOUSE during the initial run. If .liq file is not empty and contains number 1, then, HOUSE will use FILE74 generated by STRESS for the adjusting the model materials for the next SSI iteration.”


To do post-processing after final iteration (3), if you would like to use STRESS, you will need to run HOUSE first to get the file FILE4 or .n4 file corresponding to the last iterated soil properties. Then, you delete .liq and .pin, so that no other iteration is done. Using the latest FILE8 for MOTION and the latest ,n4 file and FILE8 for STRESS you can post-process the nonlinear results after convergence (3 iterations). If you would like to still iterate, then, the post-processing .str input file for STRESS should be the same file used during iterations.


Please see Demo4-resvised zip file, and let me know if now is clear how to run the nonlinear iterative analysis. I apologize for the fact that Demo 4 was not revised for the new version. We will also add additional explanations in user manual to avoid confusions in future.




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